Developer3027 presents

AWS Solutions Architect Associate


Improve your chances of passing the SAA-C02

Think of this as cliff notes to the ACloudGuru certification course for the AWS Solution Architect Associate. I recommend you take that course and review this site as cliff notes.

Use it with the ACloudGuru course to prepare for the exam or to keep fresh on AWS Services. Thank you for your support!

Solution Architect Associate

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How does the site work?

The site is all free to use. You can access the exam practice questions directly. You can access the cert prep notes after taking a quiz. The quiz helps you gain an understanding of where you may need to focus. I do use Stripe to accept donations, so if you enjoy the site, if it helps you, if you want to help this project, your support is greatly appreciated!

Are the practice exam questions like the actual exam?

Yes! I have pulled from two pools of questions to provide these to you. They are up to date, mimic those on the exam, and test your knowledge required to pass the exam. However, there is no time limit.

What is the purpose of the quiz to access the Cert Prep?

Testing for your strengths and finding the soft spots is what it is all about. Pass the quiz and you can feel good about review. Fail the quiz and you know where to focus. If you find this project helps, then consider supporting this project.

Do you offer a "pass the exam guarantee"?

Passing the exam is up to you, the information here will guide you, but I strongly suggest a course, like the course on A Cloud Guru. You will get the most out of this information if you are already familiar with it.

Do you keep my test scores?

No, info like test and quiz, scores and answers are stored locally in your browser memory while you are on the site. Refresh the page and that data is lost. This will help retain what you learned. Your profile info like email and name are kept safe and secure. I use Stripe for accepting your donations to provide the most secure transaction possible. I never see that information.

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